Knitting Patterns - coming soon

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rootbeer Jelly

The boys and I made jelly again. I'm not sure who came up with the rootbeer idea. I think it started when we were making Root Beer Syrup. Watkins comes out with a Root Beer Extract that is fabulous. I ordered some the other day and the boys wanted to try making syrup with it. It is awesome I must say. Mostly we eat it on pancakes and waffles but it would be good on ice cream to I think. Anyway that got us thinking on the Mt. Dew jelly we made last fall. It seems strange but soda makes really good jelly.

Root Beer Jelly

2 cups root beer
6 cups sugar
1 cup water
1 bottle liquid pectin (I used one pouch sure-jel)

So basicly follow the directions for the cooked jelly in the sur-jel box. You boil the jars, set them out to dry. Mix root beer, water and sugar in a heavy bottom pot and boil. Add pectin and boil about a min. Ladle (I like to use a pot with a pour thingy. It is much easier and the hot jelly does not get on the threads of the jar. It is also faster.) into jars. Put lids on tight and put in boiling water bath. (Those weird Teflon gloves that can stand uber heat are great for this part. I just put them on and grab the jars and put them right in the water with my hands. Much easier then using tongs.) Boil 5 min. Take out and let cool for 24 hours. If the lids don't make the funny noise then you need to refrigerate that jar. I filled 3 tall jars and 4 small ones.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Juno our new kitty

Yesterday we got a new kitty! We are sure he is a boy but we will let the vet confirm that. One of our friends found abandon kitties at the park close to them so we thought we would help out and take one.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bottom is done

Bottom is done
Originally uploaded by epursey
Well It's really close now. I just need to work on the sleeves. I think I will do 3/4 sleeves including the ribbing. with other sweaters i am always pushing them up to do dishes. If I do a shorter sleeve then I will not have to do that. And since I am knitting it myself I can make it whatever length I want!!!