Knitting Patterns - coming soon

Thursday, December 31, 2009

DJ's new computer

DJ's new computer
Originally uploaded by epursey
Derek's computer is put together! John and Derek worked hard most the day and took one trip to the store but now it's running. It was a lot of hard work but worth the effort. Derek is very pleased with the result.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Juno in the Fountain

At least for Juno it's more of a play fountain then a drinking fountain.

Christmas Continues

More pictures! Both boys got computers :) Max's just plugs his computer in but Derek has to build his. I will show more of those pictures later. Thank you to the Elwailly boys for the Myth Buster experiment labs. Max and Derek are looking forward to playing with them!
Scribbleknots from Gran is awesome. Max is glued to his DS.
Santa left very special T-shirts in our stockings . . .

Grandma and Papa sent Wine for the big kids, Woot! Thanks :) We are excited to taste them. Boys gifts are coming soon, I've been sick (well still kinda sick today) so shopping has been slow. We will definitely put more pics of that later.
Kitties got a gift to, a fountain! Oh and my Bob Bag!! Lovin that. Heh, John's sweater out grew my knitting bag so Santa got me a new one ;)

THANK YOU EVERYONE :) We love you all, have a very Happy Christmas!

Christmas Morning

We are having a quiet but wonderful Christmas. Unfortunately we can not have a fire today because it is a spare the air day :( John and I are a bit put off but we are guessing that today is a huge day for a Christmas fire and that would put a lot of particulates in the air if everyone did it.
Now for the pictures!!!!

As you can see John cleverly placed gifts so Juno could not get to the tree ;)

The Pursey boys decorate the tree

This is a bit late. I had trouble with the upload. We got our tree several weeks early because we were not sure if Juno would climb it. She didn't and for the most part left the ornaments alone.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

John and Eva's Night Out

John's Christmas party was last night. It was a lot of fun. We decided it would be better to get a room and stay in San Francisco, so we booked a room at the Hyatt. First we went to a dinner theater but the show was more like vaudeville/circus. It included a five coarse meal and a 3 hour show. It was fantastic. Then we walked down the street to a bar (Butterfly) and mingled til midnight. We got a table at the back and were right on the water. Since it was at night we could not see much but I bet during the day it's awesome.

We could not take pictures at the dinner so we took some in the hotel room. I wish I would have thought to take some in the atrium because they had an amazing light display. This is the first time I've had my hair styled. It was such a hoot. I loved it. John and I matched perfectly. I wore a Christmas tree dress and he wore a red shirt with a Christmas tree tie.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Beef Vindaloo

Beef Vindaloo
Originally uploaded by epursey
Usually I have made this on the stove top but this time I used the oven. It was cold tonight so the oven helped warm the house. You need to watch it though because it cooks down fast.
Next time I want to try using lamb. I wonder to if I could use chicken.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hats for Everyone

hats for everyone
Originally uploaded by epursey
I'm helping a friend out making 16 hats for her mother and friends for Christmas. So far I have 6 done. 10 to go!!!!

A Pursey Thanksgiving

A Pursey Thanksgiving
Originally uploaded by epursey
We had a wonderful dinner :) My Mom came to visit for the holidays. With the leftover turkey we made turkey tetrazzini. That was delish too.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Juno Naps

Juno Naps
Originally uploaded by epursey
I've never seen a kitty sleep in so many ways.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mr. Fritz's Hat

Mr. Fritz's Hat
Originally uploaded by epursey
Slowly but surely I am making hats for all the scouts and adult leaders. I've also been asked to make hats for one of my friends grandmother and her friends at her care facility. I will start that project soon. Right now I am trying to get John's first sweater sleeve the right length so I can start the second one. I never thought getting the right length would be so difficult, but once I do the second one should be easy.

Derek and I went to Yosemite last weekend with the scouts. We lucked out with weather for sure. It was cold but no rain or snow. The boys enjoyed the hike down from Glacier Point. I rode with Mr. Andy down the mountain because my high altitude sickness kicked in. I guess for part of the ride I thought he was someone else, LOL. Got to love confusion.

Max had his parent preview last week and the play is wonderful. His first full performance is this Friday. He will get to do the judge part in the last performance on the 22nd.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Max in his "Alice" costume

Max in his "Alice" costume
Originally uploaded by epursey
Well it's finally done. Almost . . . lol I am still doing top stitching on the hearts. i used the "wunderunder" and well not sure what the point was except to waste money.

We are looking forward to seeing Max in the play. If he learns the lines well enough he might get to play the Judge in the extra showing. He is very VERY excited to try a part with more lines.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Derek's First Memory Stick

Derek's first memory stick
Originally uploaded by epursey
Derek installed his first memory stick into his own computer. He bought it himself to. We are so proud :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Juno likes to help

Juno likes to help
Originally uploaded by epursey
She is helping me with my second footie. I have been wearing the finished one but my other foot is getting really cold so I really need to get going on the second one.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rootbeer Jelly

The boys and I made jelly again. I'm not sure who came up with the rootbeer idea. I think it started when we were making Root Beer Syrup. Watkins comes out with a Root Beer Extract that is fabulous. I ordered some the other day and the boys wanted to try making syrup with it. It is awesome I must say. Mostly we eat it on pancakes and waffles but it would be good on ice cream to I think. Anyway that got us thinking on the Mt. Dew jelly we made last fall. It seems strange but soda makes really good jelly.

Root Beer Jelly

2 cups root beer
6 cups sugar
1 cup water
1 bottle liquid pectin (I used one pouch sure-jel)

So basicly follow the directions for the cooked jelly in the sur-jel box. You boil the jars, set them out to dry. Mix root beer, water and sugar in a heavy bottom pot and boil. Add pectin and boil about a min. Ladle (I like to use a pot with a pour thingy. It is much easier and the hot jelly does not get on the threads of the jar. It is also faster.) into jars. Put lids on tight and put in boiling water bath. (Those weird Teflon gloves that can stand uber heat are great for this part. I just put them on and grab the jars and put them right in the water with my hands. Much easier then using tongs.) Boil 5 min. Take out and let cool for 24 hours. If the lids don't make the funny noise then you need to refrigerate that jar. I filled 3 tall jars and 4 small ones.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Juno our new kitty

Yesterday we got a new kitty! We are sure he is a boy but we will let the vet confirm that. One of our friends found abandon kitties at the park close to them so we thought we would help out and take one.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bottom is done

Bottom is done
Originally uploaded by epursey
Well It's really close now. I just need to work on the sleeves. I think I will do 3/4 sleeves including the ribbing. with other sweaters i am always pushing them up to do dishes. If I do a shorter sleeve then I will not have to do that. And since I am knitting it myself I can make it whatever length I want!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Blizzcon 2009!!!!!!

This past weekend John and I went to Blizzcon, Blizzards game conference. We had a great time. We got to see and play the new content coming, buy cool stuff and get a tattoo. Hmmm I am sensing a theme with my photos. There were more then just dragons really. We got John and the boys T-shirts, the boys got Frostmourn swords and I got a baby murloc, I named her Grrgie.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Family Camp

This past weekend we all went to family camp up in the Santa Cruz mountains. It was a cub scout event with Max's pack. We all had a good time. I think Derek was a bit bored but he made it through. The first night there was a popcorn contest. Saturday Max did his art belt loop, fire building, made some leather items and shot off water rockets. The boys had tons of fun. Some of the kids even got their rockets passed the road.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sweater is Coming Along

I've almost got one sleeve done. Next I am going to work on the body, then start working on the second sleeve. I need both sleeves done before I reach the armpits because they are somehow knit into the body not sewn in after the body is done. It's all very new this whole sweater knitting thing. It's scary and exciting all at the same time.

The Pursey's have a busy month before school starts. First comes family camp with Max's cub scout pack then Derek and I will be going camping with his boy scout troop. Finally at the end of the month John and I will be going to BlizzCon in L.A. The boys will be staying at Vanessa's for the extended weekend. Thanks Vanessa!!!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Crafty Summer

I've been very crafty this summer. I'm done with the circular needle holder and I've started John's sweater. It will take me a while to finish but I am hoping to get it done before winter. As you can see I only have one cuff done so I have a long way to go.

In boy news Derek is at summer camp up in the Sierra's. So far I have not received a call so everything must be going well. He signed up for metalworking and cooking. I can't wait to see what he brings home.

It's just Max and I for the whole week. I was thinking it might be fun to go to the beach one day. I know for sure we will go miniature golfing, that's one if his favorite things to do.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Double Pointed Needle Pouches

more pouches
Originally uploaded by epursey
For the past two days I've been making pouches for all my double pointed needles. I made a couple extra for Jen to. Gosh I had no idea I had so many.

Next, a circular needle holder for me. I bought the fabric this morning.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Max in the pool

Max in the pool
Originally uploaded by epursey
Yesterday we bought new pool toys. Max was excited to try out the new floaty bed thingy. Wow look how long his legs are !!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

We Made Pickles

Both boys are really getting into pickles. During lunch a couple weeks ago Max wondered if we could make pickles at home. I happen to just see a recipe in Everyday Food for making pickled vegetables. It took a bit to gather everything we needed but finally this weekend we had all the ingredients. The boys cut all the cucumbers and I made the solution.

To inspire ourselves while making pickles we ate pickles :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Winding Yarn

winding yarn
Originally uploaded by epursey
I've never used a swiff before. I'm not even sure if it is swiff or swift. But I now know how to use it:) I did four balls of wool/alpaca and one ball of hemp. Hemp is a huge pain in the butt. I'm not sure I will use it again. It seems at every turn the hemp has been a problem.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

My first tomato

My first tomato
Originally uploaded by epursey
I had it for breakfast :) It was delicious but small. No one but me eats raw tomatoes so I'm okay with them being small. I am worried however that I will get a whole bunch at once and not be able to eat them all.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Maybe Dwight's Hat

maybe Dwight's Hat
Originally uploaded by epursey
My knitting projects are coming along. I've done more on my sweater. I'd like to take some time for more market bags. They are not hard once I get used to the lace pattern. The city no longer wants those plastic bags in the recycling bin. I have a huge pile of them in my car to take back to the store. What a pain, thus the market bags. I think on the next one I am going to try 2 strand to see if it prevents such a large amount of stretch. Or I guess maybe slightly smaller needles.

Here is the hat I just finished. I am not sure who it is for. Dwight or his son Jordan if it is to big for Dwight.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Eva's Sweater

Eva's Sweater
Originally uploaded by epursey
I'm making another sweater. So far so good. Of course I will not know if it fits until I finish it :/ I love the pattern, it will lay more flat once I block it. The bodice is solid so I will not have to wear anything under it. I hope i can have it done in a couple of weeks.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Derek's Spring Band Concert

Last Thursday was Derek's last band concert for the year.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tank Top

I started a tank top last night. I've only done a few rows but so far it's going well. I decided on white so I am trying to remember to wash my hands before a start to knit. Originally I was going to use hemp (and a different pattern) but the first skein I wound had 6 knots in it. It was such a let down. I got a hold of the gal I purchased it from and got an exchange. I'm hoping this tank turns out well so I will have the confidence to try another with the hemp.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Max's Crystals

Max's Crystals
Originally uploaded by epursey
For his forth grade science fair project Max grew crystals. He wanted to know which grew faster salt or sugar. Salt is on the left. It grew much faster but once the sugar started it kept growing until we took it out. The boys said it tasted just like rock candy.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mothers Day

This year John had to work the whole weekend so we did not do much but I did get a great grilled steak and Max gave me a beautiful flower pot with sunflower seeds. I told him we would have to plant the seeds in the yard. I don't think he has ever seen a sunflower and does not realize how big they get. His reaction when I told him they get 5 feet tall was priceless ;)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Pot Garden

Pot Garden
Originally uploaded by epursey
Look how pretty my little garden is! I am so pleased everything is still alive. I love to get dirty and plant stuff but I am really bad at keeping things alive. I mean the cats and boys are easy because they complain if I don't feed them but plants are so quiet. They just hang out and drink and catch rays. Oh man that is brilliant!! We have had it all wrong us humans. We are not the masters at all, the plants are. Doh! We do everything for them while they sit around doing nothing but sunning themselves and drinking, well but then we eat their off spring. Hmm . . .

Monday, April 27, 2009

Banana Bread Recipe

This was from Cooking Light. It's called Classic Banana Bread

2 cups flour (i used 1 cup all purpose and one cup white whole wheat)
3/4 tsp backing powder
1/2 salt
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup butter, softened
2 eggs
3 mashed bananas (I used ones from my freezer, thawed. I think it makes a better flavor and texture)
1/3 cup plain low-fat yogurt (I used vanilla)
1 tsp vanilla

Oven to 350. Mix flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl. In another bowl cream butter and sugar. add eggs one at a time, mixing after each addition. Add bananas, yogurt, and vanilla and mix well. Add flour mixture and mix just until moist. Pour into a greased loaf pan. Bake about 1 hour. cool in pan 10 min then completely on a wire wrack. EAT!!!! Serves 14 at 187 calories per serving.

Banana Bread

I made banana bread this morning. Partly to use up some bananas from the freezer and partly to warm up the house. LOL It is really cold today. So this is the first time I have ever used thawed from frozen bananas. Wow I liked it a lot. The consistency of the bread is smoother. I think there is a better flavor as well. I might have another slice instead of dessert tonight!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Pressed Chicken Sandwiches

Pressed chicken Sandwiches
Originally uploaded by epursey
For dinner last night I used my sandwich press. We all like it and use it a ton. You can make sweet or savory sandwiches on it.

So they say you can grill the chicken on the press but I prefer to use a skillet. I saute some sweet red peppers and onions then set them aside. Sprinkled the chicken with salt, pepper, and Penzey's Garden Salad Seasoning then sauteed them. I heated up the press and added provolone then chicken, peppers and finally another slice of cheese. They were delish. The kids had the same thing minus the peppers. Oh I used Sourdough for the bread. Sometimes you can get big holes in sourdough but I carry on and the cheese fills in the holes and gets crusty and yummy.

I have found that you do not have to use a ton of cheese to keep the sandwich together which is nice it you are trying to keep the calories down. I used one slice, half on top, half on the bottom for these sandwiches.

You don't need a press to make these btw. Just make them like you would grilled cheese. I tend to slice the chicken breast in half (lengthwise i mean) and that helps with the bulkiness. Press down with you spatula to help seal it all up.

Monday, April 20, 2009

It's Hot

Ack very hot. I'm trying not to move. The biggest decision I'm going to make today is where to take a nap.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I Did It!

I finally ran on the treadmill, Woot!!! I'm not sure why I had such a hard time doing it. I've been trying to get up the nerve for 3 months. I guess it was a combination of looking funny and tripping. I only ran for 5 min in all. First 2 minuets, then walked for 10, then another 3. The last 3 were much easier. I worked out for 30 minuets over all on the treadmill.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Banana Fritters

Banana Fritters
Originally uploaded by epursey
We made fritters this morning. I don't fry stuff very often but the boys found this recipe in the newspaper. Yummy :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Derek's Pop's band concert

Pop's band concert 2
Originally uploaded by epursey
Last night was Derek's band concert. It was awesome! They were really good. Derek was right up front and you could see and hear him in both the songs he played in.

Another big event last night was scouts. Derek got his Tenderfoot rank. It was quite an evening.

I thought for sure something would happen and we would not be able to get to both events but Derek's scoutmaster urged us to try since Derek was so close to his next rank. Except for an overabundance of red lights, getting across town was not to bad.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Beef Sandwiches

I made french dip sandwiches last night. At about 10 in the morning I put a chunk of beef in my crock pot and added 1 beer (Honey Beer from Trader Joe's) and one can french onion soup. I set it to low and let it go til 3. I turned it up to high for 2 hours. I took the beef out and shredded it and served it on french rolls with the juice.

For left overs you could mix the beef with a bit of juice and BBQ sauce for a bbq beef sandwich.
Or put the meat on a roll with saute pepper and onion then melt some provolone, philly-esk style.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

What is for lunch?

Last Friday Jen and I went to Penzey's spice store. I have a great many spices from them. As we were looking around I made several comments on dishes I'd made with various spices. Jen thought I should write them in my blog more often. So here it is.

LOL I did not use any Penzey's for this one. I had left over chickpeas. I rinsed them and simmered them in water for 20 min. Then I added one peeled and chopped potato. I let that simmer for 15 min. I drained off most the water then added Trader Joes Korma Simmmering Sauce. I simmered it for about 10 more min. I served it over basmati rice. It was very good but maybe a wee bit of salt.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Boys get hats and scarves

I finally got Max's hat done. I am working on Derek's scarf now. I really wanted to get both boys hats and scarves done before I started on a sweater for myself. I also accidentally felted my pink hat so I would like to make myself another hat.