Knitting Patterns - coming soon

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Well we have finally started on our last package of napkins from costco! This is a huge accomplishment for us. It all started 2 years ago. LOL. I went to costco and on the top of the list was napkins. We were in desperate need of them. As I recall I had forgotten to buy napkins at the store several times and we were using paper towels. So it was really in my head that I needed to get napkins. I bought the napkins with no problem. Months later I went to costco again with a list but always I pick up random things that when I see them I remember I need them. When I came upon the napkins I said to myself, "I really need napkins". I did not however and realized that when I got home. So I have two packages of napkins now. Although we had made a slight dent in one package. Several months later I was at costco, now you would think that when I came to the napkins I would have it in my head that I did not need napkins, but no. I bought napkins because I thought for sure I needed them badly. Now we had 3 packages of napkins.

Now when I go to costco at the top of my list in big letters it reads, DO NOT BUY NAPKINS!

I don't have a thought for the day but a request: If anyone reading this is ever with me while i am shopping please, PLEASE don't let me buy Olive Bread. I love it. But I have no control over it. In the last 2 days I have eaten an entire loaf of olive bread :(

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Vegan Biscuits and Gravy

Vegan Biscuits and Gravy
Originally uploaded by epursey
I made biscuits and gravy. Vegan style. It was AWESOME! The one type of meat i don't miss in the least is sausage. When i saw this recipe it intrigued me. I am not sure why, usually i would not eat sausage. Well i guess i had it not to long ago at stacks, which is our usual Sunday breakfast spot. I guess I though for sure it would be totally not the same. OH i was so wrong. I started by practicing vegan biscuits. I made 2 very good batches so the next step was the gravy. The first time I made it i did not break apart the vegan sausage before I cooked it. The gravy was very good but very chunky, which actually I did not mind. I was also worried about the soy milk making it taste strange. Again i was wrong. Of course I have been drinking soy milk for over 2 years so i think that may be why. The second time I made it I pulled pieces off the hunk before cooking. That seems to work really well. I thought John would not try it but I decided to offer him some but also offer to make him something else. He ate it! I really must give my husband more credit. He has been very patient and understanding of my non meat eating ways and vegan experiments :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

New glasses

New glasses
Originally uploaded by epursey
Guess what? I got new glasses. I am so excited which is silly because I mostly wear my contacts.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Petrified Forest - the giant

Here is one of the many trees we saw on the 1/2 mile walk. It was the perfect amount of walking and educational facts for all of us. The only freaky bit was all the signs warning to stay on path and the big scary rattle snack picture at the beginning of the walk. Max was reluctant to go once he saw the sign but we told him all would be well. And it was.

Boys sitting on a petrified log

On the way home we decided to visit the Petrified Forest. It was very interesting. I have seen petrified wood before but to see a whole tree was cool.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Safair West - part 2

Well this is when we were in the bottom of the truck. We had the most amazing luck of coming upon a large group of Uodad Antelope.
They are very skiddish and in this video very hard to see. There were several babies in the group as well.

Safari Ride

This is the beginning of our tour when we were on top of the truck. The view was fantastic.

Safari West - Inside Cabin

Safari West - Inside Cabin
Originally uploaded by epursey
The tent cabins have real beds with sheets, a bathroom (shower included), and a spacious porch. We went on a safari tour then had dinner. Afterwards we fed the catfish leftovers. Hoping the more nighttime active beasts were up, we walked down to the smaller animal enclosures and saw the porcupines. On the way back to the cabin we noticed that marshmallows had been put out for the overnight guests to toast in the BBQ pit. We stopped and the boys roasted some marshmallows. Finally off to bed. What an amazing day.


Safari West - Outside cabin
Originally uploaded by epursey
We accidentally went on a vacation. We did not plan on going anywhere because we did the pool this summer. Somehow we went anyway. it was a blast! John, the kids, John's parents and I went to Safari West. It is a zoo that you can stay in. I mean IN. Your cabins are right next to a large animal enclosure. Our cabin was way up high and we had a wonderful view of catfish lake.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008