Knitting Patterns - coming soon

Monday, July 20, 2009

Crafty Summer

I've been very crafty this summer. I'm done with the circular needle holder and I've started John's sweater. It will take me a while to finish but I am hoping to get it done before winter. As you can see I only have one cuff done so I have a long way to go.

In boy news Derek is at summer camp up in the Sierra's. So far I have not received a call so everything must be going well. He signed up for metalworking and cooking. I can't wait to see what he brings home.

It's just Max and I for the whole week. I was thinking it might be fun to go to the beach one day. I know for sure we will go miniature golfing, that's one if his favorite things to do.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Double Pointed Needle Pouches

more pouches
Originally uploaded by epursey
For the past two days I've been making pouches for all my double pointed needles. I made a couple extra for Jen to. Gosh I had no idea I had so many.

Next, a circular needle holder for me. I bought the fabric this morning.