Knitting Patterns - coming soon

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Blizzcon 2009!!!!!!

This past weekend John and I went to Blizzcon, Blizzards game conference. We had a great time. We got to see and play the new content coming, buy cool stuff and get a tattoo. Hmmm I am sensing a theme with my photos. There were more then just dragons really. We got John and the boys T-shirts, the boys got Frostmourn swords and I got a baby murloc, I named her Grrgie.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Family Camp

This past weekend we all went to family camp up in the Santa Cruz mountains. It was a cub scout event with Max's pack. We all had a good time. I think Derek was a bit bored but he made it through. The first night there was a popcorn contest. Saturday Max did his art belt loop, fire building, made some leather items and shot off water rockets. The boys had tons of fun. Some of the kids even got their rockets passed the road.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sweater is Coming Along

I've almost got one sleeve done. Next I am going to work on the body, then start working on the second sleeve. I need both sleeves done before I reach the armpits because they are somehow knit into the body not sewn in after the body is done. It's all very new this whole sweater knitting thing. It's scary and exciting all at the same time.

The Pursey's have a busy month before school starts. First comes family camp with Max's cub scout pack then Derek and I will be going camping with his boy scout troop. Finally at the end of the month John and I will be going to BlizzCon in L.A. The boys will be staying at Vanessa's for the extended weekend. Thanks Vanessa!!!!!!